티스토리 뷰
The ultimate goal of GNH is to achieve a total happiness of people in terms of collective
objective. Unlike western society, where individualism is a dominant theory of social value,
Bhutanese are heavily interdependent with all things around them, such happiness which only
takes any advantages of individuality/self-interested is considered as irresponsible, egocentric
and unethical, and the government of Bhutan believes that the principle of interdependence needs
to be taken on by everyone. Therefore by achieving the goal of happiness, the country will have
stable and sustainable economies successfully.
Western society has created the fantasy of being "wealth". And people use that ruler for judging others. Because they are lacked of technologies, social infrastucture, or simply of their 'poverty'. Although I have taken this class for sake of God, who defines an happiness and a 'quality' of people? And where is the point of doing that? People might live 40 years, some might live much longer. One can live in chaos for 100 years, the other might live in heaven for 20 years. What do you know? Very shame that we actually care about others. HAHA.